An OMHA referee’s shirt with a green arm band.

Will Green Arm Bands Stop Parents From Abusing Minor Hockey Referees?

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association is trying a new plan to reduce abuse sent in the direction of their referees.

“For the first time in its history, the OMHA will have all on-ice officials under the age of 18 wear a Green Arm Band as part of their officiating uniform. It is meant to be a reminder for everyone from parents in the stands to any participants on the bench to respect and protect the young officials without whom there would be no game,” the association wrote in a news release.

They say there were 1,911 ‘disrespectful and abusive behavior and physical harassment of Officials’ penalties called by OMHA officials during last hockey season.

This is all well and good, but here’s an idea:

Why not say that parents who abuse officials have to wear a red arm band to every game for the rest of the season?

Then, if you do it again, you’re banned for the year.

Two strikes and you’re out.,

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