A street crossing was put slightly out of reach of the average pedestrian in Old East Village, at the corner of Dundas and Ontario. (Susan Pedersen, Facebook)
The City Of London Thinks You’re 9’4″
If you’re trying to cross the street in Old East Village, bring a ladder.
Susan Pederson posted a photo of herself reaching for the button to activate the pedestrian crossing lights at the intersection of Dundas and Ontario – and it’s about 10 feet in the air.
So, unless you can dunk a basketball with ease, you may be out of luck if you’re hoping to get to the other side of the street.
Maybe the city is trying to get Yao Ming to retire to London?
On the post, a City of London staffer wrote “Thanks for flagging this – we will have it resolved today. In the meantime, please cross on the other side of the intersection. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience (and sense of humour) while we work to address this issue.”