Robyn Clarke


My best concert experience was seeing April Wine at the London Music Hall on May 5th, 2023. My friends and I had just finished our undergrad and April Wine’s discography had been the soundtrack to so many pre-bar drinking nights, and it was the perfect way to celebrate and wrap up our degree. We danced the night away, I nabbed a setlist, and we sang our hearts out. Even though Myles Goodwyn (RIP) was absent, the band still put on an amazing show.

I’m currently studying music history, doing my MA on the Beatles and 70s classic rock at the University of Waterloo. Winning this contest will be a great way for me to “let loose” this summer while I finish up my thesis. Classic rock has had an indelible impact on me as a daughter, scholar, and musician, it’s hard to put into words. I’m also a pro at operating concerts. I’m a hustler; I get seat upgrades, have the best stories & record funny videos. This role is a dream for me to work with the music industry and spread the love around!

Intern candidates were tasked with making a mundane task exciting! Here is Robyn Clark’s submission!


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