Sean Mancuso
I’m a man who’s been to hundreds and hundreds of concerts in my life, but the best experience I had was at Lollapalooza in Chicago, 2011. It was the final of 3 glorious days, capped off by the almighty Foo Fighters. About 15 or so minutes into their roaring set, a massive rainstorm annihilated all of us, just as Mr. Grohl and company started into My Hero. Dave was encouraging us to keep up as the heaviest rain I’ve ever stood out in was pelting us, leaving us soaking wet and covered in mud from the ground. It was just the feeling of 90,000 strong singing My Hero, pouring rain, the crowd being euphoric. I’ve never felt anything like it in my life.
If you watch a video on YouTube, you’ll see what I mean. It may not do what I’m saying here justice, but I still get goosebumps any time I revisit that magical August night.
Intern candidates were tasked with making a mundane task exciting! Here is Sean Mancuso’s submission!